COVID continues. Russia Invades the Ukraine. Inflation is high. Financial instability, global warming and institutional racism continue to plague us...
Read moreDetailsHave you ever been in an uncomfortable situation where someone tried to kiss or touch you and you didn’t want...
Read moreDetails“Sometimes, talking about your problems makes you feel better” Do you ever feel like you’re faking happiness? Is your...
Read moreDetailsHave you ever been unhappy with how your body looks or how much you weigh? Who hasn’t? But what can...
Read moreDetails“How to find a good therapist for you” Welcome to another new year. Did you make any resolutions? If so,...
Read moreDetailsFrom what I’m seeing and hearing, “The Holidays” this year are an attempt to return to some degree of normalcy....
Read moreDetails“When you’re happy, you don’t need conflict” Wouldn’t you like to get the gift of happiness this Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza? Wouldn’t that...
Read moreDetails“Your protectors have much wisdom to share with you.” Do you ever feel like life is just too heavy? You...
Read moreDetailsIn a few days I’m moving to a new house. I’ve lived in my current place for 21 years. Needless...
Read moreDetailsMany of us are afraid to get older: this internalized ageism may be just as destructive as internalized homophobia. If...
Read moreDetailsAt this point in time, as LGBTQ people, we have a few (but not too many) healthy role models for...
Read moreDetailsAs a psychotherapist, I see quite a few UCSD, USD and SDSU students. Some are LGBTQ, some are not. Last...
Read moreDetailsWe shop around for cars, homes, good deals on washer-driers and new kitchen appliances. We compare new refrigerators (or whatever)...
Read moreDetails“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Wrong! Growing up in rural Ohio, I...
Read moreDetailsThe COVID-19 pandemic has left many of us spending way too long in the company of only our immediate family...
Read moreDetailsLGBTQ San Diego County News is Updating!
After a necessary pause for my healing, I am making important adjustments and updates to the company and website. These changes are vital for the survival of our community’s only LGBTQ newspaper.
I appreciate your patience and support. Stay tuned for more updates, including a relaunch of the website, and the return of our print edition in the near future. Give at
Still here, still fighting. Onward!