As a Catholic I find it interesting that critics are now labeling new Cardinals and Bishops as conservative moderate or...
Read moreDetailsI am excited to introduce our readers to amazing and caring people who live, work, play and do business in...
Read moreDetailsDear Michael: I pride myself on being able to talk respectfully to almost everybody. I used to be a social...
Read moreDetailsA month into my self prescribed exile from San Diego to work with clients, I find that I am becoming...
Read moreDetailsSenator Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) Senate Bill 923, the TGI Inclusive Care Act passed the Senate on Thursday afternoon by...
Read moreDetailsA 10-year term in state prison was handed down Aug. 26 for a Gay man who drove his SUV while...
Read moreDetailsA gay man who embezzled $650,000 from the La Jolla Music Society when he worked as their finance director will...
Read moreDetailsA man charged with killing a sailor 32 years ago in Point Loma posted $500,000 bond Aug. 26 after a...
Read moreDetailsAs more national, state, and local health emergencies are announced for the Monkeypox outbreak, local health jurisdictions and leaders are...
Read moreDetailsNo matter what Republicans tell you, there’s never a bad time to get lost in a queer book. But now...
Read moreDetailsI am excited to introduce our readers to amazing and caring people who live, work, play and do business in...
Read moreDetailsUnfortunately, breaking up with someone is a part of life. We usually dread it because it’s painful and it hurts....
Read moreDetailsRev. Dorman Owens--a fierce foe of the LGBTQ community in the 1980s--died quietly on Aug. 6 at the age of...
Read moreDetailsSports brand TEAMM8 is taking the concepts of diversity and inclusion to the next level this fall with its first...
Read moreDetailsAn “Independent Living Facility” (ILF) is a special type of group home where unrelated adults live and pay rent individually...
Read moreDetailsLGBTQ San Diego County News is Updating!
After a necessary pause for my healing, I am making important adjustments and updates to the company and website. These changes are vital for the survival of our community’s only LGBTQ newspaper.
I appreciate your patience and support. Stay tuned for more updates, including a relaunch of the website, and the return of our print edition in the near future. Give at
Still here, still fighting. Onward!