I am excited to introduce our readers to amazing and caring people who live, work, play, and do business in our community and city. Learning about people of every lifestyle, talent, and personality who I think would be interesting for our readers to enjoy. San Diego has a wonderful diversity of individuals who make our slice of paradise the greatest place to live and enjoy each other’s uniqueness.
How did you end up in San Diego and what do you love about it?
I was born and raised here in San Diego, I don’t think I’ll ever leave because the weather is perfect and the mid-tempo pace of living here is great to me. sometimes I think about New York City but that’s too fast paced and the weather sucks, ha-ha.
What gets you most excited about life?
What gets me excited about life is my legacy, I’ve been through so much as a child and young adult that I promised myself I will achieve my dreams and more for my life.
In your work, what makes your business stand out and how has it changed your life?
I started event planning very early on in my drag career, and now that I’ve built good connections throughout the years my ideas and events can come to life easier and quicker which is such a wonderful feeling. When it comes to “Courtney’s Kitchen”, I am just so grateful that people love and enjoy my food because cooking is so therapeutic to me. I feel like my businesses stand out because I’m the only black Trans woman in San Diego doing what I’m doing and doing it well.
What small act of kindness were you once shown that you’ll never forget?
There are two acts of kindness I will never forget, one being when I was in the hospital with Covid and a friend of mine started a Go Fund Me page for bills and other things I needed. That small act of kindness helped me so much when I got out the hospital. The second act of kindness is when the organization Impulse San Diego came to one of my balls after the quarantine ban was lifted and they decided to sponsor my balls and now I am in Impulse as an events director.
If the universe could grant you one wish, what would you wish for, and why?
This answer is highly materialistic but necessary. I would grant that I had enough money to get my feminization surgeries done. Living my life as a woman is my main goal at the moment.
If you were given the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, and were able to take one person with you, where would you go, who would you take, and why?
I would go to Ireland. My dream is to retire in a cute little house on top of a big hill of green grass with my partner.
If you had a chance to spend one million dollars on someone, or any group of people, who would it be and how would you spend that money to better them?
I would definitely invest in myself and my family. I want to provide for them anything they ever wanted, but also making the smart decision to invest so the money keeps growing.
If you could give someone advise about your art, hobby, or business, what would you tell them?
Stay true to you and be a little selfish so that you don’t lose focus.
Loving yourself is so important to becoming the best of who you are. Please write a couple sentences to describe your loving self and how you want to live your best life?
Loving myself comes in many forms. One being my health, I’ve stumbled a bit with my health as a diabetic, but I’ve learned that if I want to continue loving myself and living my best life, I have to treat my body like a temple. Second would be rewarding myself when I accomplish things, that way I know I deserve it.
Gratitude is so important in each of our lives, what are you most grateful for, and how do you pay it forward?
I’m most grateful for the people that support me and who I support, having a great community big or small can do so much in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for others, so for that I am grateful.
Instagram @Strawberry_Corncakes