TransTalk with Connor
By Connor Maddocks
So we rang in the New Year, but so far nothing has changed much, that I can see. Republicans all over our country are still introducing many anti-transgender bills as fast as they can think of them. The Republicans also seem to be holding on to their uninformed, biased, disgraceful support of the dishonorable, seditious, lying, sexual violence perpetrator against women, thief, and well you can add the rest since you should all know who I am talking about, Presidential contender. Now that we know him much better than the reality show host and real estate mogul he pretends to be, it is 100 times scarier for those of us who are decent, patriotic, law-abiding citizens, Republican and Democrat. I won’t go on anymore about this person, but sadly he does play a large part in our upcoming year.
Transgender people are part of this country, our state and our city. As such, I believe we have a huge responsibility, especially now, to be a part of the voices for change across our country. Maybe we think it’s all nice and cushy here in California, yet, one never knows if or when the tide could change. One of the best ways we can be part of keeping California Blue is to VOTE. Never dismiss the impact of your one vote, because all of our votes together do help make a big impact. And because it is also the responsibility of each and every one of us to be part of the political system in our country, even if it’s just by voting.
Vote in every election, not just the big ones like Federal and State leadership. You can help impact who represents your little piece of real estate. There are local elections for such things as Mayor and City Council members, for County Board of Supervisors and school boards and so many more. There may be bonds to vote on, which will impact your money. Don’t think for one minute these elections are not your concern, because they are yours, mine and everyone in this country.
Before you can vote, make sure you are REGISTERED where you live now. Many people don’t realize that they must re-register to vote if they move, do a name change, become a new resident of California (or any other state for that matter).
All the information you need to get this done and/or check on your status is located at the San Diego Registrar of Voters. Their website is Literally everything is there for you, you can register to vote, you can check if you are registered, and you can update your registration if you have moved. Election information, Voter Rights, Voting Guides, even information on military or overseas voting. This is a no excuse website for all of us to get ready to vote.
Did you know there is a Presidential Primary election coming up on March 5? [California permanently moved its Primary Election up to March from June.]
Right now is the time to make sure you are ready for it, because voter registration deadline is Feb. 20. If you have questions, you can contact the Registrar of Voters at 858-565-5800. Or visit their contact page on the website above.
Transgender Day of Empowerment
So what other fun and important things are happening soon? One event very close to my heart is our annual Transgender Day of Empowerment. This event was conceived by our very own special DIVA, Tracie Jada O’Brien. Not long after the 2003 Transgender Day of Remembrance, some of us formed a group to begin work on bringing our community together, to find and share health resources, hormone replacement resources, to share our doctors, and the business places that were Trans friendly. It was a big bite, but we were determined. We knew many folks showed up for the Day of Remembrance, and we wanted to have something to counter that, that would bring so many in our community together.
As we brainstormed, Miss Tracie said, “How about a Trans Day of Empowerment?” This would be a day to celebrate us, to show off our accomplishments, to BE US and to meet and mingle with our siblings and allies and supporters. We had plenty of discussion, and it was decided to hold the event every April, and the first Friday of April became our official day.
I would love to tell you everyone who was part of this group, but I am old and forgetful, lol, and would leave someone out. A few members have now passed away and others have moved on with their lives. I will tell you that Tracie, Sarafina Scapicchio and I were on the founding committee and all 3 of us have been part of that committee since it started. That is 20 years for those who don’t want to count. As far as we could ascertain, we were the very first Transgender Day of Empowerment in the country. Many others have cropped up across the country since.
We invited the entire community, local press, all of our elected officials and the Imperial Court de San Diego, to name a few. The event was held at the San Diego LGBT Community Center in Hillcrest. It was a wonderful night, decorations, cake, food and drink. Oh, did I mention cake?
The elected officials brought proclamations and I believe a few speeches were made. We gave out community awards to those who had worked so hard to make things better. From there it grew, year-by-year a bit more elaborate, more people showing up and Costco Cakes and chicken wings became a must-have part of the menu going forward.
I would also like to point out that our current mayor, Todd Gloria, came to our very first event representing his boss at the time, Susan Davis, our then Congressmember. Todd has never missed this event, being there in person for the last 20 years. Our wonderful Toni Atkins has also been with us to celebrate many many times and when she couldn’t, she would always send a representative from her office.
A few years later, the idea came to us that we wanted to do more than simply come together and eat cake. Someone in the community suggested to Tracie that we create a scholarship fund. So the Tracie Jada O’Brien Scholarships became a reality. The committee did fundraising and with help from our wonderful Sarafina, a fundraising whiz, the money came in and has continued to come to us from many wonderful supporters.
This year we celebrate our 20th anniversary on Friday, April 5. Our theme this year is “Looking Forward, Honoring the Past.” We are so excited to hear from a true legend, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy. A wonderful program is being planned and scholarships will be awarded. Please save the date! For any questions, contact Tracie Jada O’Brien at [email protected], 619-906-4521, or check out the webpage at And Volunteer. Be a Sponsor. Donate to the Event. Donate to the Scholarship Fund.
–Connor Maddocks (he, him, his) is a Transgender activist, trainer, speaker, and advocate. You can reach him at [email protected].

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