As information and developments seem to change daily, it’s hard to keep up with the correct guidelines to follow when venturing out into the world these days. Here is a breakdown of what you need to know from the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Department, as of June 2.
Although there is an official stay-at-home order still in effect, we know we all have to get out, get some fresh air and absolutely support local businesses that have reopened.
It should go without saying, but please always wear your face covering or mask properly! Has anybody else noticed how many people are wearing masks that just cover their mouths but leave their noses exposed? This defeats the purpose. And please continue to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer if possible.
As restaurants begin to reopen under a long list of strict and protective guidelines, our friends at MO’s Universe have come up with their own version of “COVID-19 Playground Rules” and it’s a good example of how to conduct yourself while dining out at any eatery.
- Face mask or covering required at all times unless eating or drinking.
- We know that person is cute, but you must stay seated.
- Please remember to keep 6 feet away from others by social distancing with anyone outside your party.
- Please use hand sanitizer.
- Bar stools around the bar are placed for your safety. Please do not move them.
- Do not enter if you have a fever, cough, or are not feeling up to par.
- All staff will be following CDC guidelines and policies.
- Please understand that service will take longer than expected from order to food preparation.
- Please follow the layout to move about the restaurant for using restrooms or when exiting the building.
- If you need to smoke, please step outside and keep 6 feet from others. Return to the entrance and a host will walk you back inside.
- There are time limits to the tables for the convenience of all guests. The limit will be 1 1/2 hours for all seats.
Again, these rules are specific to MO’s Universe, but you can expect the same rules anywhere you dine.
Public parks and recreation areas are open however the public shall not congregate or participate in active sport activities at a park with the exception of members from the same family or household.
Public hiking trails are open but again, keep it moving and practice social distancing.
Beaches are back open; you can take a stroll on the beach but if you want to sit on the sand, please remember, no large groups are allowed and only members of the same family or household can sit together.
As of May 27, religious services and cultural ceremonial activities may be conducted but it is recommended that they be held outdoors. This is considered a high-risk activity so vulnerable members of the community are strongly encouraged to participate via streaming or another form of remote technology.
We keep hearing rules, rules, and rules; please be patient and remember nobody is trying to treat you like a child or impede on your liberties. These rules and regulations have been planned out for the publics safety and well-being.
Please stay aware, healthy and safe.
For the full “Order of the Health Officer and Emergency Regulations”, please visit