Editor’s Note: We accept and encourage letters to the editor, and we curate our “letters” from emails, snail mail, Facebook, Instagram, and comments on our website. However, we reserve the right to publish – or not to publish – any particular submission or comment, and if we do choose to publish, it does not mean that we align or agree with the writer’s intentions, assertions or allegations.
Aggression in Hillcrest
[Ref: “San Diego Police investigating drive-by shooting in Hillcrest,” published online at bit.ly/3RcYc76]

My non-binary femme friend tried unsuccessfully to run a shop of queer eco-empowerment in Hillcrest, but had too many run-ins with the feral homeless and their aggressively litigious advocates. Even giving them the bum’s rush didn’t emancipate they/m from their grip.
Do you have any advice for saving queer spaces for lesbians, particularly BIPOC ladies of size, to thrive in such an oppressive zone of heteronormativity and male chauvinism that exudes hateful misogyny masquerading as victims of poverty?
–Klem Hornecki, via lgbtqsd.news
Big Mike’s ‘ladies’
[Ref: “The Shoulders I Stand Upon: More amazing and loving ladies in my life,” Vol. 4, Issue 39, or online at bit.ly/3xT0zFv]

Ahhh baby boy. What wonderful words and what an honor to be listed with all those fab women. Thank you.
And to keep women in the know, there will be a Women’s Pride Dance Thursday July 18th at The Rail. The Monthly Women’s dance resumes third Friday in August at The Rail. Starts with Happy Hour at 5 pm.
I adore you, always.
–Sally Hall via lgbtqsd.news
Retorts to the Trans Talk
[Ref: “Trans Talk: Huh? Queers for Palestine, really?,” Vol. 4, Issue 39, or online at bit.ly/4csA4WG]

Such zionist propaganda bull.
Queer Palestinians in Gaza cannot be queer if you kill them all!
Maybe start there if you are worried about queer rights in Palestine.
–Sammy Meyer, via lgbtqsd.news
This is the most Islamophobic, anti-Arab post I’ve seen. Take your disgusting dehumanization and misinformation elsewhere. Pinkwashing no longer works, we’ve seen the truth.
–Elianna Shamieh, via lgbtqsd.news
Justice at long last
[Ref: “Arrest made in 1990 murder of Larry Joe Breen,” Vol. 2, Issue 20, or online at bit.ly/45OZCel]
Condolences to Larry Joe’s family. His father Joe Breen was married to my Aunt. Keeping all of Larry Joe’s family in my thoughts and prayers … may he rest easy now and may he be reunited with his family in eternal life … Shelly (Connard) Oharro.–Rachell Oharro, via lgbtqsd.news