A lot of guys have a low Testosterone count. I did. I’ve been taking testosterone for over a year now and it’s been amazing. It’s made my workouts better, I feel great, and it’s made my sex life amazing.
When I was first tested, I had a T count of a 14-year-old girl, really, it was that low. I had no idea. I felt fine and my workouts were going great.

Once I was on Testosterone, which is the base of all steroids, I became “enhanced”, and no longer truly natural or “natty” as it’s known. Or am I? I’ll get to that later.
First, the elephant in the room. Guys it’s possible you have low T and it’s a simple blood test to find out, but our macho society says that if you have low T, you might be less of a man. B.S. The stigma is going away but so many guys are afraid to find out. Why? Who knows. Cultural issues, mental blocks, or just afraid to know. In the end, though, if you find you have low T it’s easy to fix. Super easy. And no one ever has to know.
I’m telling you about it here because I get asked all the time what I take for supplements, and it seemed disingenuous to not tell about the Testosterone; that’s ok with me. Nothing to hide – but never has it been in this column.
When you get the blood test, they can also test your liver, cholesterol, prostrate, and a range of other things that are important to guys of all ages. And it’s not just older guys that get low T. It can happen to anyone at nearly any age.
Okay, so how much Testosterone should you use? The only answer is to ask your doctor as it’s different for different guys. I run 200mg a week with two injections I inject myself twice a week. When I started, I did have a small bout of acne as a side effect; we lowered the dose a bit and the acne went away. I’m back at 100mg twice a week and there are no side effects now. If you do research, there is a lot out there that says start with 75 mg a week. Again, talk to your doctor.
I see my doctor at Optimize U here in San Diego every five weeks and I can talk to them almost any time. They will teach you what the numbers on the blood work mean and how to ensure you are optimizing everything.
Adding Testosterone to my regimen gave me more strength and stamina, a lot more. When it came to sex, I never shied away from it, I love it. Now, however, how to say this, I have the stamina of a 22-year-old and it’s better than ever. So, I feel better, my workouts are better, and sex is better. There is a trifecta of wins in my book.
So, knowing all this why wouldn’t you want to have everything better? Fear? Maybe. Feeling less than? Possibly. All I know Is that I’m better than I was before, despite how I fought getting tested.
This got me to thinking about how many things in our lives we don’t do because we are afraid of what others might think or what we might think of ourselves. Has this happened to you? Why must we learn from pain rather than joy? I don’t know, but we do. Let me make it easy. Get your T levels checked, now! It can change your entire life and if your levels are fine, then you’ll know.
Now, getting back to the question, am I still a natural body builder or not? First, does it matter? To some it does. To me, it does not. Am I natural? No, I’m not. Even though Testosterone is naturally produced by our bodies I am taking an addition to that so the T itself is natural, but since I run 200mg a week, that’s more enhanced than it would naturally be.
Don’t run away from things because there’s some stigma attached to it (ED, etc.). Get the shot, take the tablet, and live a superb life. It shouldn’t matter what others think and you don’t have to tell anyone. Testosterone changed me for the better. I’m stronger, have more stamina and great sex.