Remarks at the White House Pride Month Celebration, June 26, The South Lawn
I’m grateful to be joined by so many members of Congress, along with Governor Polis and elected officials from all across the country. And we also have with us incredible leaders in Joe’s Administration like Secretary Buttigieg and Chasten.
To the Gill Foundation, thank you for making this moment possible. Joe and I are so grateful for Tim and Scott’s friendship and vision.
DJ TRYFE, you created the perfect, joyful soundtrack for this event.
I’m so happy to be here with my daughter as we celebrate your families – those families you’re born into, the ones you build, and the ones you choose.
Looking out at all of you, I see America. And it’s an honor to welcome you to our home.
But home isn’t always a place.
It doesn’t always have an address or a parking spot. It isn’t always four walls with just the right color couch inside. Sometimes, home is the bonds we build through choice and chance – the communities we create together.
It’s those people whose love you feel, deep in the marrow of your bones. The ones who will always pick up the phone when days are long and times are hard. The ones who lift up our joys and breathe life into our hopes. The ones who don’t ask us to be strong or brave, who don’t need us to explain who we are, because they already understand. I hope all of you feel that freedom and love on the South Lawn today – because your home is here too.
But even as we celebrate, we know that this community is under attack.
Many of you know that all too well – and have come here from states that are passing laws targeting LGBTQ Americans.
And it feels like we are caught in the push and pull of progress.
There are those who see our communities and our families and wish to tear them down. Those who can’t see that the world is so much bigger and more beautiful than they know.
But when our homes are threatened, when they strip away our rights and deny our basic humanity, we say: Not on our watch.
Pride is a celebration. But it’s also a declaration: That we will not be silenced.
That we will show up – for ourselves, for each other, and for the country we deserve.
Our victories testify to that strength.
Nine years ago today, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage across the country. And now, thanks to Joe, marriage equality will remain the law of the land. His administration ended the ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood. He’s standing firmly against conversion therapy.
And almost 14 years ago, Joe stood beside President Obama as he signed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Then, as President, he made it possible for trans Americans to serve openly in the military.
Just this morning, Joe took another step to right those decades of injustice – pardoning many service members who were court martialed for the crime of simply being themselves, honoring those heroes and the service of the many other LGBTQ troops, veterans, and their families who have given so much for our country.
Joe will never stop fighting for this community.
These are big victories – ones that bloom across history. But our triumphs live in the small moments too – moments that would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago: Walking down the street without fear. Co-workers who use your chosen name and pronouns. Kids with two moms or two dads at the playground. Celebrating Pride together on the White House South Lawn!
Yes, outside these gates are those who want to send our country backwards.
And tomorrow, we will face them with the courage and strength we always have.
But, today, we’re here to find joy, to feel at home, to be free. To say loud and clear, that you belong, that you are beautiful, that you are loved.
To all the kids here, you can tell your parents that I said to make sure you enjoy the best lawn in America – eat some good food, run through the grass, do cartwheels, have fun!
When you leave here, to go back into a place that still needs so much change, take that with you. Let it be a reminder that you don’t face these battles alone.
You are never alone.
I love you. Your President loves you.
Thank you, and happy Pride!
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My name is Eddie Reynoso and I am the publisher of LGBTQ San Diego County News. I am also the voice behind GlitterBot, our AI augmented voice narrator which you can listen to in the majority of our articles. I hope you found this article relevant to your life.
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