Big Mike and Friends
Big Mike Phillips
Living in San Diego for 30 years now, I’ve had the privilege to meet and get to know a lot of incredible individuals — many who stand out in our community for different reasons. It’s rare to find those who stand out with so many talents and ways to contribute to society. Well, I am excited to introduce someone who has all these amazing and positive attributes (she really doesn’t need an introduction): our very own beloved Paris.

Aris Antionette Quion is her birth given name, but we as a community know her best by Paris Sukomi Max or just simply, Paris. Born and raised in San Diego by a very large, loving and supportive family, Paris came out of the closet at 11 years old. Love and support from her mother encouraged Paris to live her honest life, and if you know Paris, she does just that. Being a role model to so many people who admire and look up to her is an example of her self-truth. As a young person, Paris was lucky to find Hillcrest where she developed relationships for support, guidance and became part of the LGBTQ community. Having Hillcrest in her life helped Paris gain confidence to know who she is and realize she would be just fine. The process of coming out for Paris was not necessarily scary for her but it made her very cautious. Being a very private person outside of her entertainment life, she has a very protective side. At 16, Paris started doing drag and performing. At 19, she came out to the world as a transgender person, making her a stronger and happier individual with more self-awareness and appreciation of her life’s journey.
Growing into one of San Diego’s leading drag entertainers, along with a handful of other amazing drag queens, she was featured at the San Diego Museum of History and honored with her own display as one of San Diego’s Drag Legends. Paris has so much respect for the queens that came before her, learning the art of drag, about life, professionalism and longevity. I, for one, think she was paying attention. Paris is received and very respected within the world of drag, working with so many other admired and beloved entertainers. There is not a stage small or large she can’t bring down the house with her talents.
I met Paris just by being out and about in town. I saw her perform in a few places including several community functions and charity events. After a while, we just started making a point to stop and get to know each other. I invited Paris to co-host Being Alive’s Diving for Life, a benefit with mermaids diving for rocks with numbers on them which picked their auction items. We did this event for two years raising several thousand of dollars to benefit this great charity. Not only did Paris co-host this event, she made all the mermaid tails for all the hot men and women models. I have loved working with her ever since. Over the years, you’d find Paris giving up her valuable time to give back in so many ways. Some of the many things she works hard to show her support for is The Center, Pride, and the San Diego Family Justice Center, which advocates, extracts and relocates victims of domestic abuse. When Paris has the time, she really enjoys using her voice to speak to colleges, city administrations, school district offices, private corporations and prison and jails about gender sensitivity and LGBTQ inclusion and equality.
You would have to be blind if you have never noticed what a fashionista and designer Paris is, always in a beautiful and very creative, self-designed creation. Known more for her entertainment life as a drag queen, Paris also loves to design clothes, mainly evening wear and bridal gowns or anything she can sell to what her clients need. I’m sure you have seen her wearing her own designs for different events, shows she performs in and holiday creations throughout the year. She looks like a million dollars and is always a first-class act.
Paris never stops. I personally have no idea how she finds the time, especially now pouring her heart into opening the Hillcrest restaurant insideOUT with the MO’s Universe Group. As general manager, Paris breathes a sigh of relief knowing that her community has been very receptive and welcoming toward them. You will find her welcoming guests in a beautiful outfit with that beautiful smile to enjoy specialty cocktails and delicious food prepared by the chef. If you haven’t been, you need to treat yourself to this unique atmosphere that will no doubt have you talking about your experience, located in the heart of Hillcrest.
“I think my life has been pretty much laid out for everyone to see but if ever it’s questioned, I’m happy. I have been fortunate bring a part of this community and for all the opportunities I have been given because of being openly and unapologetically me,” Paris said.
San Diego has so many colorful and bright stars who contribute to make our community fun, different, accepting, and full of love. Thank God we have Paris to be one of those brighter stars that shine for all of us. I love you, Paris.

To contact Paris for more information, you can find her on her social media under Paris Sukomi Max; if you have any questions about insideOUT, feel free to reach out her at [email protected]; and for entertainment/events inquiries, you can reach her at [email protected].