Every week, I write a little history on several wonderful and amazing people who I have met, who are friends, co-workers, artists and simply great people. It brings me so much joy to introduce you to so many loving and caring individuals that I have met living in San Diego for the last 31 years. They come from so many walks of life and contribute to our community in so many ways, which I believe helps all of us to grow and unite together. This week, I had to change my column up a little bit, and I hope you do not mind. There was something I witnessed and wanted to share with those of you who do read my column, which I am more than grateful for. I am not trying to be disrespectful to anyone and I am not trying to anger anyone. To those who know me, you know I am very respectful and try my best to be considerate to other ways of thinking and beliefs, and I hope you will show me that same respect in return. Thank you so much. As many of you know, I supported Joe Biden for president of the United States and encouraged others to vote for him, along with other candidates, on my social media.
On Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, our country elected and announced Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States of America. In all my life, I have never witnessed so much division, racism, hate, and anger against each other as I have in the last four years as an American; frankly it breaks my heart to watch. I hope we as a people will at least try to move forward and help each other save lives, jobs, friendships, and families. We all deserve to be taken care of by each other. As Americans, we are good-hearted people, no matter how you vote.
On Saturday, I was out with my dear, wonderful friend Shannon Wagner, and we were coming into Hillcrest up Washington Street. Right away, we noticed thousands of people down on University Avenue honking their car horns, with signs and American, Biden, and Rainbow flags. Next thing we knew, we were right in the middle of it all. It was incredible; I have never witnessed in my 63 years of life, the joy and happiness I saw and felt that day. With all the excitement and peace brought to my heart and soul, I have never been made to feel so proud to be an American as I did during this celebration. All this was happening in the moment, and it filled our hearts with satisfaction and hope, just from being in my car with my friend Shannon and sharing such happiness and love.
After a while of being in the parade of cars, we decided to stop by the Pride flag on the corner of University Avenue and Normal Street. Standing back from the crowd with our masks on so I could take photos to share, people were literally dancing in the streets for joy, there were so many happy people celebrating our country’s change in leadership. People were wearing their masks, but not really separating themselves from others on the streets. I was a bit worried and disappointed to see that they were not being more careful with each other. I pray no one becomes sick with the coronavirus because of all the excitement. But like I mentioned, almost everyone we saw were wearing their masks. Thank goodness, I think we get so excited that we just sometimes move forward without thinking. But for the safety of all of our friends and families, let us really try to be better at obeying the scientific guidelines. I believe we can and need to really try to make an effort to saves lives — it could be you or me, hopefully neither. It is just a small sacrifice to do what we need to in order to help each other be safe.
I mentioned to Shannon how important it was to witness and be part of a celebration that awoke our entire country, with people dancing in the streets all over our nation and even around the world. Even Obama didn’t have the excitement as Biden had after winning either of his elections — don’t get me wrong, most of us were all so happy and ready for our first Black president and in my opinion, I love President Obama and his compassion, empathy and the love for this country as well as its people. I know many people did not care for President Obama, but that’s OK, we live in a country that gives us the privilege to vote for our leadership. I was able to start voting in 1975 when I turned 18 years old, and I have proudly never missed a chance to vote ever since. I have won many and lost many election choices. But I do try my hardest to understand, listen and sit at the table with anyone who will listen to me and allow me to listen to them. I have voted Republican many times in the past growing up, even though I am an immensely proud Democrat. I believe in the character of the individual running for office and sometimes I just vote with my brains and my heart and not for the party. It’s exceedingly rare for me to feel I made a mistake in my choice. All U.S. citizens are given this amazing gift to vote in our country and it genuinely surprises me how so many will not or do not vote. I love how Australia automatically registers every newborn child to vote, so you never have to worry if you can or not.
The hope that I have in my heart would be to continue dancing with our entire nation, that we will one day be dancing together in the street as a nation that includes every single American, no matter who you support. I look forward to that day when I can again dance with my community friends here in San Diego. I, along with so many of you, will love to be a part of joining each other as we manifest to the universe compassion, kindness, acceptance and unity to build back our country.
We as a nation can come together and learn to be better to each other, not lose friendships, family members, or businesses over what our differences are. We can have differences but without the anger, hate, dishonesty, and disrespect for each other as Americans. I believe in the hope of our amazing nation that we at least will try our best to make this land for you and me. I believe we have more in common than we do not, for one, I honestly believe we all love our country, no matter who wins elections. We do not have to believe in the same things, but if we remember those who have died and sacrificed their lives for our country, we can all be UNITED together and share those freedoms as Americans. We are living in very difficult times and more than ever, we need to take time to heal, work together and be one nation under God. It is my hope and dream that we, as a nation, will unite because the U.S. is the greatest nation in the world — because of its people.
Let us always celebrate each other and our great nation, I love you all and God Bless America.