I am excited to introduce our readers to amazing and caring people who live, work, play, and do business in our community and city. Learning about people of all lifestyles, talents, and personalities who I think would be interesting for our readers to enjoy. San Diego has a wonderful diversity of individuals who make our slice of paradise the greatest place to live and enjoy each other’s uniqueness.
I was very fortunate to bartend in the LGBTQ+ community here in San Diego for over thirty years, and in the process, I was able to meet so many amazing people who I proudly call my friends. One such amazing woman I met while I bartended at Bourbon Street so many years ago was CJ Jordon. We became fast friends. CJ was THE Principal at Laurel G. Rodriquez Elementary, San Diego Unified School District, where she nominated me to be a Principal for a Day at her school in 2008. OMG what an amazing honor and opportunity to be surrounded by so much love and curiosity from these beautiful children. Truly one of my high lights in my life. As an educator she is so full of compassion, patience, and willingness to teach these kids to grow up to be the best they can be. It is my privilege to introduce you to my all-time favorite Principal CJ Jordon.
How did you end up in San Diego and what do you love about it?
I am born and raised in San Diego, a true native and never moved away. I am grounded here by my family and dear friends. I just love this city. I describe it as a big little town. The people are cool, diverse, and eclectic. When I travel, it’s just beautiful to fly back to our paradise.
Tell us about yourself.
I have been a school administrator for the last 23 years but have been in education for over 35 years. I am entering the next phase of my life, which is retirement. I am single and no kids but again I have been around children as a career for a long time. Excited about that next adventure post education. I am a Latinx woman, youngest of 3 and enjoy lots of socializing outside of work. I believe in finding that work home balance for your mental wellbeing. I love the craft beer industry and enjoy a good IPA.

In your professional life what makes your work stand out and how has it changed your life?
Our District has evolved, strongly shifted, and embraces the LGBTQIA community and students. There are shifts in departments created to support to our Gay students, families, and staff. We are the second largest District in California. My career has taught me patience, seeing change, taking risks, and trying to support those who feel the least supported.
Where do you see yourself in five years with the goals you have, to live your best life ever?
Enjoying new hobbies, getting healthier, traveling. I want to learn to play the guitar and also get back into my art background. I come from 5 generations of artists and the career took up some creative time. Need to tap into that again.

Do you have any nicknames?
I had lots of nicknames. In many Latin families, they can be flattering or embarrassing. Guera, Guerita, Clave (loved to use tools), but my favorite is I am known as Yaya to my family. My Abuelo nicknamed me, and I cherish it very much. He is no longer with us, but I feel his presence every day in my backyard garden area. In my later life, I love being called CJ. It keeps it simple.
Who inspires you in life to do your very best and why?
My mom has been a very hard worker, till this day. She is one of 7 sisters, and they were all working Latin women all their lives. They were inspiring growing up. My big sister is a bad ass, love her! I have so many dear friends that are super grounded, goal oriented, compassionate, and just amazing human spirits. I try to surround myself with those types of Spirit animals.
When asked, what’s the one question you always answer with a lie, and what is your most embarrassing moment?
Oh goodness! Big Mike, you are asking some tough questions. The lie is, well, what some say about how they are feeling. When asked, how are you? We give the easy way out sometimes, the “ok”. We need to be more accurate because it also helps each other if a day isn’t going well or getting some emotions out. The lie is we are not honest enough. I don’t mean blunt but honest about gauging where you are. As for the embarrassing, thank goodness there wasn’t social media in my 20’s because my partying years were fun and embarrassing. My dear friends can tell you those stories. Nobody needs to know my stories from 30 years ago…ha-ha.
If you could give someone advice about your art, hobby, or business, what would you tell them?
Search for your passion, or passions, in what you love. Find the people around you that will help you with it or work with you on it. Stay focused and humble. Mistakes are great learning tools for you. Lastly, try to read people better. The emotional vampires out there bring you down and it’s too much drama for your soul and heart. Surround yourself with the lovers of life, adventure, and curiosity.

Do you enjoy cooking? If so, what is your favorite food to eat? If not, what is your favorite food and your favorite restaurant to eat from?
I have a few things I love to cook. Paella and ceviche. Lately I am into Asian flavors, Thai food, noodles, lumpias and sushi. Don’t get me wrong, Mexican is still my go to. Unos tacos de Al Pastor!
Gratitude is so important in each of our lives, what are you most grateful for, and how do you pay it forward?
Grateful for those who are on my side and make me laugh so much. Laughter is so key in a world all wound up. Whenever I can, I support the closest with their needs and do some random acts of kindness as much as I can. Help someone today, so they can help someone tomorrow.