Last month we covered the new AHF/Out of the Closet complex on Fifth Avenue, just south of The Loft, and how excited we are for it to be here to serve and provide for our community. This month we want to talk about the services that AHF is providing, and why we think everyone should take advantage.
AHF Wellness Program is a new service being offered in San Diego and the staff is thrilled, anticipating visits from everyone in the community. The program offers free, confidential HIV and STI testing and treatment, all with just a quick walk-in visit to the facility.
I wanted to experience the wellness program first-hand, and I was gleefully surprised. I went on a Friday to become an AHF patient. The encounter was so different from my youthful years – when walking into a clinic to get a STI screening brought feelings of shame or judgement from a clinic staff. I walked upstairs (downstairs is the Out of the Closet shop) and was greeted by Carlos and Fernanda at the front desk who gave me the run-down of how to quickly register to get my visit started. With the use of a URL code and my cell phone I was able to register and give my reasons for the visit and medical history. The program is free of charge so with or without insurance anyone can get tested and be treated if needed. Confidentiality is important and so the clinic gives visitors a non-identifying number the staff uses to call people back when their turn is up.

When my number was called, I got escorted to the back where I met my Patient Care Specialist, Luis, who explained the process to me. After answering some questions and reviewing the information from registering on my phone, Luis was able to determine what testing I needed to have done. Some tests are recommended based on your sex practices. The Patient Care Specialist is well trained to provide very friendly, non-judgmental conversation to help anyone feel more at ease when talking about their sexual habits and feel comfortable with the experience.
Tests may include a throat and/or anal swab, urine sample, and/or blood work. If the patient has concerns due to symptoms or a known exposure by a sexual partner, the on-site Doctor will explain treatment options.
Another thing patients can do is talk to a patient care specialist about getting on Prep and how to enroll in the program for free.
Patients visiting to get regular HIV and STI testing (which everyone should do at least every three months if your sexually active) will be escorted back to the lobby where Carlos gives instructions on how to check the app for test results. It takes 3 to 5 days for results to be available, and if anything comes up in the test you will be notified and asked to come back for a follow-up visit. When talking to AHF they informed me that the visit should take no more than 20 minutes for the registration and testing so that people can walk-in during their lunch break or throughout their day without having to take time off to get it done.
The experience was very refreshing – maybe it’s because I’m older and I’m more comfortable with walking into a clinic to get HIV/STI testing – but there is something to be said about the AHF staff and the atmosphere they create. Having friendly and approachable interaction with staff really helps to make anyone feel assured. Imagine having to show up because you’ve been told that you were potentially exposed and that you should get tested and treated – the right approach can help take away the stigma of feeling dirty or ashamed. During my visit I noticed the same friendly interaction and approach with a couple of other patients and the staff was consistent and reliable in that way.
Having this service offered free of charge is so important, we still need these resources available for folks who are not able to afford a charge or co-pay. And for the people who do have insurance and a primary doctor, the convenience of a walk-in clinic is amazing – because we all know that getting an appointment with a regular doctor can take weeks.
If this is your first-time learning about AHF you should know that they have been committed to providing cutting edge medicine and advocacy for patients regardless of ability to pay. They provide advanced medical care for people living with HIV including easy access to specialists, medication, and services that patients need to be healthy and happy. The staff is there to guide you with your visit and to provide the care you need.
All of this is possible from funding from the pharmacy, grants, and Out of the Closet. Every purchase made at Out of the Closet contributes to the AHF wellness program’s services. Services are also provided in Spanish with a bilingual staff.
Visit them at 3580 Fifth Avenue, San Diego CA 92103 –