Every March, I take my annual GLAMINVASION to South Florida to visit/terrorize family, friends and the old stages where Glitz was born. I was to embark on 12 glorious days on March 15…who knew the world would be closed to me the day before I was supposed to leave?
Up until recently, you could always find me on a Tuesday night at the world-famous Urban MO’s Bar and Grill. Always being silly, singing and dancing around to showtunes, while slinging never-ending bowls of Spaghetti. That particular Tuesday was also the kickoff to what was supposed to be our Leather Pride Weekend. Now, we all knew it (COVID-19) was coming but what we didn’t realize was that it was already here. Fast forward three days to Friday the 13th (what an appropriate day for the “shit” to proverbially hit the fan): I got the call that a friend had tested positive and since I had hugged him on Tuesday, I had been exposed to a highly contagious virus. I immediately thought of my staff and guests at MO’s, so I left the building and notified my husband that we needed to do the responsible thing and quarantine immediately.
That was 40 days ago and since then, the world as we know it has ended and it will never be the same again. There are so many questions: Will we ever feel normal again? When will we be able to go back to work? Can our employers afford to weather this storm? How long will that take? Will I catch it? Do I have it? Will I die?
Both my husband and I are long-term HIV-positive survivors, so we are no strangers to the fear that revolves around them. For us, we just try to maintain life as usual. Wake up, coffee, yoga, two eggs over medium and toast, walk around the neighborhood, light workout and then we have daily cleaning projects — we call it “the purge.” Over the last month, it’s moved through the kitchen cabinets, hallway closets, bedroom and bathrooms. We have thrown away 10 years’ worth of clutter and still have the hubby’s workshop and drag room to complete. So, on the home front, we are good and grateful to have each other for support. Some days are a rollercoaster of emotions and he’s always there for me to get back on track and remind me of all the things to be grateful for.
This got me thinking more of my friends and family who are all alone right now though. Some are doing great; I don’t have to worry about my computer-introverted friends, they are used to the isolation — but there are so many that thrive on social interactions. We all need human connection to some degree. So, I started thinking: What can I do for them? How can we connect and social distance at the same time? What can I share to help them through this?
“11 Minutes with Glam” — it’s a combination of everything I’ve learned from MO’s Universe training and the “11:11 Awakening Code to Enlightenment.” The world and everything in it, when broken down, is simply molecules bouncing off each other creating energy and vibration. We are nothing more than trillions and trillions of particles bouncing off each other and I’ll let you in on a little secret…you control it. This is why we love music — the vibration raises our own and we want to dance. What’s better than dancing alone? Dancing with others. It feels good to raise your vibration, which makes you happy and when you are happy, you attract other happy people.
Time is speeding up and we are accelerating into a higher state of awareness.
The shift began on 11/11/11 and now the 11:11 time stamp is a marker, a signal that we are birthing a new Earth. Everything that is happening is due to a shift in consciousness. As a society, we have migrated into our heads and have gotten trapped in our minds. The vicious cycles of needing acceptance through social media and influencers creating paradigms of likes being the only way to achieve validation has created a toxic storm — and it needs to change. Physically, this has resulted in a life based on consumption and waste that has been slowly suffocating our planet since the industrial revolution. This is not the way we should live; we need to come back home to the heart and be present in our lives. We all need to stop and reflect right now; take this as an opportunity to slow down and find yourself again.
I invite everyone to set a timer and at 11:11 a.m./p.m., stop, close your eyes and picture white, healing light and think good, positive vibes for all. The idea is that collectively, we can all think positive, healing thoughts at the same time to raise the vibration of the planet. I hope you join me every morning at 11 a.m. for a little uplifting moment to change the world together. #ChurchofGlam
You can also join MO’s Universe each Sunday for our Digital T Dance from 1-5 p.m. to enjoy some live local DJs and then the MO’s HO’s Beatdown at 5 p.m. with my sisters — Kickxy Vixen Styles, Disco Dollie and my daughter dear Mariam T — as we bring some color and the love of drag in this time of darkness. Each week, there is a different makeup challenge. Let’s have a Livestream Kiki Sundays at 5 p.m. on the Urban MO’s Facebook feed. #moshosbeat
Remember: “You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” — Timber Hawkeye