By LGBTQ San Diego County News Staff
Staying safe during Pride
In the past, there have been some security concerns during Pride (such as cell phone theft). Let’s all work together to keep everyone safe during Pride weekend. San Diego Police will have officers out during events doing their best to watch for suspicious activity, but as we all know, Hillcrest is safer when we all work together.
Here are some helpful hints to staying safe during the weekend:
- Keep your phone secure. Thieves often target cell phones in back pockets or open bags. Keep your phone in your front pocket.
- Keep your bags/wallets/purses close to your body and zipped or snapped at all times.
- Stay aware of your drinks. People are often victimized through tampering with drinks. Always keep your drinks close.
- Stay with your friends. Come together and leave together. Use “find my friends” features on apps to make sure you know where your group is.
- If you see something, say something. Bar staff, security, and the SDPD are all working together to keep you safe. You can help by keeping security in the loop if you see something. Take note of details for suspicious people, their license plates, vehicle makes, and clothing type and colors worn.
- Be aware of catfishing. People are victimized by online stalkers and during Pride the LGBT community is often targeted. If something is too good to be true, check with your friends, and proceed with caution.
Law Enforcement Contacts:
- Lisa Hartman, [email protected], 619-288-1512
- Akilah Coston, [email protected], 619-261-9173
San Diego County Sheriff LGBTQ Liaison
- Michael Gonzales, [email protected], 858-974-2464
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